Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Lady Box

This one is a little different, and was inspired by a friend of mine who is very proper and discreet. I was helping her rearrange one day, and she had a beautiful, victorian-ish box on the bathroom floor.  I asked her where she wanted it, and she informed me that it stays in the restroom.  So I asked what it was, and she said it was her "ladybox".  Turns out, it's a box that she keeps all of her monthly "lady" needs in.  I thought this would make a nice "coming of age" gift for a teen age girl that wasn't too embarrassing, and could be decorated to match her personality.   What an interesting way to store an item that usually hidden out of sight, and often inconveniently located under the bathroom sink when you really need it.  And especially for teenage girls that share a bathroom with a brother.

Basically, I just took hinged, wooden boxes and the paper of my choice and used modge podge to cover the outside of the boxes.  I then used neon chalk pens to outline the individual pieces of paper on the boxes, give it a "map-ish" sort of look.  Oh, fyi, when using chalk pens, do NOT push down on the tip, just let it flow.  If you push down, this is what happens.

Basic boxes.

These are two that I did for a couple of young girls.  The first was for a 10 year old that LOVES bright colors and funky patterns.  The second was for a 15 year old that like things bright and wild.

And the second box....

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